Standards of 9-11 Measurement: The Empire State Building

 Welcome to Part 2 of Standards of 9-11 Measurement. In this decode, I will be exposing how the Empire State Building acts as a "ruler" / "measuring stick" in reference to the events of September 11th, 2001. I will also connect the symbolism of this building with the foundational material I covered in Part 1. If you have not read that yet, please do so before proceeding to read this post.

Part 1:

Note: At some points during this post, I will abbreviate Empire State Building as ESB.

Perhaps the best place to start when analyzing the Empire State Building is with its height. Per the Empire State Building's official website: 443 meters to the tip / spire:

The number 443 references what the building is best known for: "New York's most famous open-air and heated observatory," which is known as the 86th Floor Observatory. As you'll see, 443 is the 86th prime number.

Now if you'll recall in Part 1, I go over quite the list of 68 and 86 appearances in regards to the Twin Towers and their related symbolism. Just to recap:
  • Construction on the Twin Towers began on 8/6/68
  • Twin Towers had 8.6 million square feet in floor space
  • Hiroshima was blown away on 8/6 from the Manhattan Project
  • "Manhattan District" = 68
  • Twin Towers were constructed in Manhattan (as was the Empire State Building)
  • Bush graduated in '68 with a total class of 911
  • From Bush's birthday to 9/11 is a span of 68 days each year

I'm going to go on a short tangent and add another item to the George W. Bush 9/11 list:

One of the only other times a plane crashed into a building in New York City was on July 28, 1945 when a B-25 bomber crashed into the Empire State Building.

It just so happens that 11 months 9 days later, George W. Bush was born (and 11 people were killed in the building. Do I need to create an 11 list too for the 11th state?)

We will go over the 1945 ESB plane crash a bit later. Right now I want to shift our focus to a foundational 9/11 number, and then come back to some key height and date metrics.

To arrive at this foundational 9/11 number, we need to figure out when construction started and completed on the Empire State Building. If you recall from Part 1, the construction start date for the Twin Towers was directly tied to it's height and the length of time to its demise. What you'll learn shortly is that the Empire State Building directly contributed to the Towers' demise as well.

So, when did construction start and finish for the ESB? If you look at the Wikipedia article, it'll give you 2 dates.

Start: March 17, 1930

Finish: April 11, 1931

However, from doing my own research, something didn't line up with those dates. If you take a look at some pictures of the art deco inside the lobby of the ESB, the completion date shows something different.

If you'd like, you can verify this by going to the Wikipedia article's pictures, or by going to -> About -> Architecture & Design and scroll down. The latter is the official website of the ESB. 

As you can see in the image above, the completion date is actually March 1, 1931. Because I wanted to verify this, I actually called a representative of the Empire State Building and she indeed verified March 1 as the date of completion. 

Now, why would Wikipedia (and many other news articles) put out objectively false information? I will show you now.

Recall from Part 1 how:

  • September 11th, 2001 began at 8:46 AM with AA-11 crashing into the North Tower. 
  • 8:46 AM = 526 minutes into the day
  • North Tower was 526 meters tall
  • 526 mi = 846 km
  • AA-11 was delivered 5265 days earlier
Now, with the Empire State Building, using the correct dates engraved in the lobby art deco, from the day that ESB was finished to September 11th, 2001 was: 846 months later.

Now, based off the research from Part 1, I couldn't say I was too surprised at this latest 846. However, this single piece of information inspired me to create this post. I discovered this because I had understood the direct connection between New York (the Empire State) and standards of measure with the imperial system. The best part about learning this kind of information is that you, the reader, can apply this information and discover even more ritualistic alignments within history that points to devious manipulation. I think that when this knowledge becomes fully developed and communicated to the right people, we can start changing the world and applying our own standards of measurement to better influence our own realities.

On the topic of 846, let me point out some relevant gematria:

Keep in mind that 9/11 occurred in the sign of Virgo during the month of September.

Recently I showed you a zoomed in photo of the art deco in the lobby of the ESB. At this time, I'd like you to open up the full size image and zoom in and observe the magnificent display. What you'll notice within the art is all the same elements I've been documenting: time, space, and symbolic metrics. This all directly ties in to New York as the Empire State: the ruler of measures and the standards for the rest of the nation to follow. The lower resolution version is below the link.

Do you see the Sun at the pinnacle of the tower? That symbol serves to define the ruler yet again.

Right after the Twin Towers collapsed, the Empire State Building, once again, became the tallest building in New York City, and reopened to the public on 9/29. (side note: closed for 18 days, "Sun" = 18).

Brief tangent: If you're well-versed on the George Floyd ritual, you'll also know how 9/11, 846, and 929 connect.
  • George Floyd first reportedly choked for 8:46 (or 526 seconds)
  • Sun set at 8:46 PM that day in the Twin Cities, where it occurred.
  • News of his death broke on 5/26
  • "I can't breathe" = 526 (Satanic)
  • Pre-trial date set for 9/11/2020
  • Trial date set for 9 months 11 days after killing
  • Choking time changed from 8:46 to 9:29
Anyways, back to the Empire State Building. After 9/11, the ESB was the tallest building in New York City until April 30, 2012, when the One World Trade Center took the reins.

During that period, the Empire State Building was the tallest in NYC for 555 weeks:

And the ESB also has a roof height of 1250 feet, where 125 = 5x5x5

Want to know a secret? The Empire State Building is connected to the One World Trade Center via the number 2001. Let me demonstrate:

The One World Trade Center is 1776 feet tall with 104 stories, symbolic to America's birthday of 7/4/1776, and how 7 + 4 + 17+76 = 104. (Bonus: 74 days = 1776 hours)

Well, as listed above, the ESB is 1454 feet tall (or 443m) which brings us to:
  • 1776' - 1454' = 322'
  • 322 connects to 2001 through the 1609 ratio (see Part 1 for origin)

  • The first digits with these conversions are always the most important. 
  • The decimal point and any trailing 0s indicate the same geometry, albeit larger scale
  • Don't forget the 322 president we had during 2001 (and his class of 911 alumni)
Now that we're on the topic of 322, I wanna shift our focus back to some predictive programming involving the Empire State Building and 9/11/2001.

The time were going back to is 11 months 9 days before George W. Bush was born. The date is July 28th, 1945. On this day, a B-25 bomber crashed into the Empire State Building.

According to reports, the plane hit the building at 322 kph. Here we go again with the 2001 -> 322 

What really sealed the deal for me (regarding the predictive programming) was the age of the ESB when the plane crash happened. We'll be using the correct date of March 1, 1931 (as before with the 846 months):

Now that number looks familiar, doesn't it? Well if you guessed the height of the North Tower (WTC1) in meters, then you are correct!

This brings us to the close of this decode. For memory's sake, I'll do a brief recap with the most notable points:
  • ESB is 443' tall (to tip), known for the 86th Floor Observatory
  • 443 is the 86th prime number
  • George W. Bush (Mr. 322, 911) was born 11 months 9 days after the only plane crash into ESB
  • ESB was finished 846 months 11 days before 9/11
  • "System of Measurement" = 846
  • "September" = 846
  • "Virgo" = 846
  • "Eight forty-six" = "World Trade Center"
  • Art deco of ESB is self-referential to it's purpose as a measuring device for space and time
  • Art deco is crowned by the "Sun" = 526
  • ESB reopened on 9/29 after 9/11
  • "Imperial System" = 929
  • One World Trade Center is 322' taller than ESB
  • 2001 mi = 3220 km
  • ESB plane crashed into building at 322 kph
  • ESB plane crash occurred when the building was 5263 days old
  • North Tower (WTC-1) was 526.3 meters tall
I hope you enjoyed this breakdown of the Empire State Building. This research fits in perfectly with Part 1, and further solidifies the importance of New York as the Empire State, and how conversion ratios derived from historical dates are responsible for contemporary perceptual systems.

-Chris R.


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