Follow the "White Rabbit": Ritualistic Scripting within The Matrix

 If you've seen the 1999 film The Matrix, then you've likely heard of some phrases such as "follow the white rabbit" or "take the red pill" or "escape the matrix." What I intend to show you in this decode are the symbolic origins of these themes as it applies to scripted history and scripted theater. William Shakespeare once wrote:

"All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts"

 What most people don't realize is that this quote can be taken literally. The alignments that I'm about to show you are proof of that (as are all of my previous posts). You can attribute the cause of such scripting to exoteric or esoteric means (i.e. Jesuits and the Catholic Church or the MIND of God / universe). Regardless, the scripting exists and can be observed by those with basic pattern recognition skills.

Let's take a look at the "white rabbit" as it's referenced in The Matrix (film).

Right before this clip starts, Neo was awakened by his computer displaying some strange messages. The final message he got from the computer said to "follow the white rabbit." Right after he read that message, there's a sudden knock on his door (which is one of Neo's clients he sells data too). Besides the man he's selling the data to is a woman dressed to go party. Neo notices the white rabbit tattoo on the  woman's arm, and then proceeds to follow her to a club where loud music is playing.

What is "follow the white rabbit" referencing here? Symbolically, it references the act of pursuing meaning and knowledge through a connection between the conscious and unconscious. By recognizing that there is a universal link between seemingly trivial observations that seem inconsequential by medium, one can achieve higher levels of consciousness and understanding. 

Practically speaking, Neo noticed that the synchronicity he witnessed appeared on his computer and then appeared in a physical manifestation as a tattoo on the woman's arm. Since Neo was primed with a feeling that something wasn't right in his existence, he followed through on his desire to make sense of the symbolic alignments. If he hadn't felt uncomfortable in his existence, he would've written off the experience as a coincidence and followed the path of the symbolically illiterate / unintelligent.

Now, let's take a look at the musical reference of the White Rabbit:

White Rabbit was a song first published by The Great Society, a band which was active in the 60s. The song was recorded at a San Francisco club called The Matrix (go figure). We will go over the club shortly.

In 1966, main singer Grace Slick left The Great Society and joined the band Jefferson Airplane, bringing the creative rights of White Rabbit to Jefferson Airplane (and they consequently recorded a new version of the song).

What's very relevant is that The Matrix (club) was founded by Marty Balin, the founder of Jefferson Airplane. When he brought on Grace Slick and acquired White Rabbit, it was the single most popular song they ever released (along with Somebody to Love). When that happened, White Rabbit would always be associated with it's location of origin: The Matrix (club).

Since we're talking about this club, it is said that a mural of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse was painted on the building by Jefferson Airplane. Keep in mind that Apocalypse = unveiling / revelation. 

So at this point we can see there is a definite geographical and symbolic alignment between The Matrix (club) and White Rabbit (song). In The Matrix (film), the beginning of Neo's apocalyptic journey begins by following the white rabbit (symbol) which leads him to the club (get it?) where he meets Trinity. Watch the movie clip above to see the reference.

Also, what is mentioned in the first 2 lines of White Rabbit (song)?

Does that remind you of anything?

Since Neo decided to follow the white rabbit, he was given the opportunity to take the red pill (path to enlightenment). What a perfect alignment of symbols. By following this white rabbit (by reading this post), you've now discovered a whole new dimension of semantic and symbolic links for these symbols, and have unveiled the self-referential meaning present. However, we're not done just yet.

If you're not already blue in the face from all the rabbit symbolism, here's another fact: The Matrix (film) was released in the Year of the Rabbit.

There's actually another rabbit reference relating to the The Matrix, but I'll save that one for the end.

Keanu Reeves plays Thomas Anderson (Neo) in The Matrix. Did you know that Keanu was a founder and member of the band Dogstar?

Okay. So what?

The brightest star in the night sky is known as Sirius (aka the Dog Star), located within the constellation of Canis Major. Sirius is arguably the most revered celestial object in many occult circles. One example is the Stairway to Heaven / Sirius in Freemasonry:

If you're interested in learning more about the history and mythology of Sirius, please do your own independent research. For the sake of brevity, I'll connect the symbolism as it relates to the Matrix and another special event.

For a clue as to how this relates, consider the last album put out by Keanu Reeve's Dogstar:

That's right. The symbolism ties in with the collapse of the Twin Towers of September 11, 2001, and there's a lot more than the gematria.

Did you know that the only animal that died from the collapse of the Twin Towers was a police K9 named Sirius? You can read all about it in this book by Hank Fellows, as well as the 9/11 Memorial link below.

Sirius was the K9 partner of Lt. David Lim of the Port Authority Police Department. Notice the clever choice of language that police departments use instead of canine. Since K is the 11th letter, K9 -> 119. 

Also, to get help in an emergency, you must dial your local 911 Operator:

Lt. David Lim, who was in charge of his K9 Sirius, was born on September 2, 1956.

Who else was born on September 2nd? You guessed it. Dogstar founder Keanu Reeves.

Per the 9/11 Commission Report, David Lim's middle name is Waymond, which lines up perfectly with Sirius.

The K9 Sirius was so important to the symbolism of September 11th that President Bill Clinton actually visited Sirius and Lt. David Lim in New York City, took a picture with them, and then returned the picture signed and dated September 11, 2000. What a sick joke.

I found that picture front and center in a new article about him retiring. You can see the article here:

There's a joke scripted into Lt. David Lim's retirement too. Per the article, he retired on July 17th. 7/17 is an amusing date since 17 is the 7th prime, K9 Sirius had badge #17, and the 17th Tarot card is the Star, which represents Sirius.

The depiction of The Star card is classic Sirius symbolism. Throughout ancient Egyptian history, the heliacal rising of Sirius (which occurs August 15th nowadays) has been associated with the flooding of the Nile, which symbolized a period of growth and fertility. Larger volumes of water in the Nile brought about optimal irrigation for crops on the land. The symbolism of The Star depicts that perfectly.

September 11th is also associated with the Dog Star by nature of the Coptic Christian Calendar, which is based off the ancient Egyptian Calendar. September 11th is New Years Day in the Coptic Calendar.

Now that you understand the important connections between Keanu Reeves, Sirius (the Dog Star), and September 11th, let me show you some more information to remove any doubt.

The Great Society, which first recorded White Rabbit at The Matrix (club), disbanded after playing their final show on September 11, 1966.

Another piece of information (which you might already know) is that Neo's passport in The Matrix expires on September 11th, 2001.

Isn't it also funny how Neo's birthday is 11 days after his actor's 9/2 birthday? 92 reduces to 11, 11 is the twin 1s, and his government name Thomas literally means twin.

One final thing I'd like to point out regarding the death of K9 Sirius is the date which Lt. David Lim testified to the 9/11 commission: March 31st, which happened to be the first day of public hearings.

On March 31st, The Matrix was released (featuring your favorite Dogstar Keanu Reeves):

  • Statement about K9 Sirius made on March 31
  • The Matrix was released on March 31
  • March 31 ->3/31 -> 331
  • The title of the statement about K9 Sirius sums to 331

Perfect script. Perfect symbolism. Perfect execution.

Regarding the 1999 release date of The Matrix, consider the following: the movie ends with Neo being shot to death by Agent Smith as he attempts to enter Room 303.

1999 (the year of the Rabbit) happens to be the 303rd prime number:

Since we're nearing the end of this analysis, let's bring things full circle. If you haven't already, you should take the time to watch the new Matrix: Resurrections. Here's the official trailer which contains the song of the day:

The Matrix: Resurrections takes place in San Francisco, and the film features the song White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane (and not just the symbol this time). 

Wait a second though, why did they choose San Francisco? Doesn't this sound familiar to what we previously studied?

According to this article, they tell you everything but the obvious, symbolic truth.

The truth is this: The Matrix (club) originated in San Francisco where the song White Rabbit was first recorded, and in the same location who's house band (Jefferson Airplane) brought the song to international prominence in the late 60s. The song was placed in the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time by Rolling Stone.

What happened to The Matrix (club) though? The Wikipedia said it closed down in 1972. What occupies that building now?

Can you believe it? Fortunately you don't have to. 3138 Fillmore St. is the key.

Since I threw so much at you in this post, I'll include this brief recap of symbolic alignments:
  • In The Matrix (film), Neo follows the White Rabbit, leading him to a club
  • In The Matrix (club), White Rabbit is recorded for the first time
  • In The Matrix (film), Neo is given a choice between 2 pills
  • In White Rabbit (song), a dichotomy is drawn between 2 pills in the first 2 lines
  • Keanu Reeves founds band called Dogstar
  • The term Dog Star refers to Sirius, located in Canis Major
  • Police K9 Sirius died when the Twin Towers collapsed on 9/11
  • K9 Sirius' (Dog Star) handler was born on September 2nd
  • Keanu Reeves of the Dogstar was born on September 2nd
  • Bill Clinton visited K9 Sirius and his handler on a photo dated 9/11/2000
  • Neo's passport expired on 9/11/2001
  • White Rabbit (song) original band last played on 9/11.
  • K9 Sirius' handler retired on 7/17
    • 17 is the 7th prime number
    • K9 Sirius had badge #17
    • 17th Tarot card is The Star (Sirius)
  • September 11th is New Years Day in the Coptic Calendar (celebration of Sirius)
  • K9 Sirius' handler testified to the 9/11 Commission on 3/31
  • Title of Sirius' handler statement sums to 331 in gematria
  • The Matrix was officially released on 3/31
  • New Matrix movie takes place in San Francisco, and has "White Rabbit" as official soundtrack
  • The Matrix (club) was located in San Francisco, and is now called "White Rabbit Bar"

Thank you for reading my analysis. I hope this post has brought more light to the script that is our world. I may edit and update this post if I come across any relevant information in the future.

-Chris R.
-Goldeneye Decodes


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