Standards of 9-11 Measurement - The Empire State

When the human race learns to read the language of symbolism, a great veil will fall from the eyes of men. - Manly P. Hall 

In this breakthrough decode, I will prove that the events of September 11th, 2001 are fundamentally connected to our standards of measure in the United States via the imperial system of measurement. I will also prove that 9/11 was planned hundreds of years in advance, perhaps explaining the unbelievable attention to detail in ritual planning.

First, let’s look at the number of the day. September 11 is the 254th day of the (non-leap) year. 

Believe it or not, Manhattan Island (where the Twin Towers once stood) was discovered by Henry Hudson on September 11, 1609.

The year Hudson discovered Manhattan Island, 1609, is the 254th prime number:

So, the date September 11, 1609 can be seen as the foundation date for the geographic location of Manhattan, that is the 254th day of the 254th prime year. 

Now, as you all know, September 11th has an immediate connection to 2001 in your minds. What's mind-blowing about this Manhattan Island discovery date on September 11, 1609 is that it was 2001 months before our country's founding date of July 4, 1776:

In gematria, the connection between the geographic location (Manhattan Island) and the number 254 is cemented: 

Let's go on a brief tangent about 1968 (since it's cardinal gematria sums to 254, and directly relates to September 11th):

The following events took place in 1968 (credit to Zachary Hubbard for compiling these):

  • Construction of the Twin Towers began (August 6)
  • 911 was made the national emergency dialing number (February 16)
  • "2001: A Space Odyssey" was released (April 2)
  • The word "Coronavirus" was coined (November 16)
  • George W. Bush graduated from Yale and Skull and Bones (June 10)

A quick note on the last one - look at how many people graduated from Yale that year:

I guess everything about the year '68 is a big inside joke, visible only to those with eyes to see.

Do you notice anything funny about how construction of the Twin Towers began on 8/6/68? Well, first of all, 86 is not a very nice number since it's been associated with "getting rid of" someone or something:

Would it surprise you if you learned that the Twin Towers had 8.6 million square feet of floor space?

So, 8/6 is not a very nice date nor floor space (symbolically speaking) to start construction on. But hang on a moment, wasn't there something bigger associated with 86 from the past?

If you'll recall from your history textbooks, you'll remember that the bomb used to decimate Hiroshima on 8/6 was developed by the Manhattan Project:

They called it the Manhattan Project because the project's original headquarters was in Manhattan, called "Manhattan District", which has the 68  connection:

Let me summarize the 86/68 tangent before my last point on this topic:
  • Construction on the Twin Towers began on 8/6/68
  • Twin Towers had 8.6 million square feet in floor space
  • Hiroshima was blown away on 8/6 from the Manhattan Project
  • "Manhattan District" = 68
  • Twin Towers were constructed in Manhattan
  • Bush graduated in '68 with a total class of 911
  • From Bush's birthday to 9/11 is a span of 68 days each year

For my last point in this tangent about '68, 86, Hiroshima, Bush, and Manhattan, take a look at the date numerologies for George W. Bush's date of birth vs. Hiroshima Bombing:

Of course he was born exactly 11 months later, throw that in the list of 11s for 9/11.

Now, back to the main topic. Let me bring the 254s forward from earlier in this decode:

  • September 11th is the 254th day of the year
  • Manhattan Island was discovered on September 11th
  • Manhattan Island wad discovered in the year 1609
  • Bonus: Manhattan Island was discovered 2001 months before July 4, 1776
  • 1609 is the 254th prime number
  • "Manhattan Island" = 254 in gematria
  • "Nineteen sixty-eight" = 254 in gematria

From my own research into standards of measure, I discovered that 254 is an important number (that converts imperial length units to metric):

If you take it a step further, and go to the scale of miles to kilometers, you will see the same number from above:

Recall again that 1609 is the 254th prime number, and both of these numbers are used to convert imperial units to metric units. In regards to the placement of decimal points, these are used only to indicate magnitude of scale. Thus the core numbers 1609 and 254 maintain the geometry of the value throughout the conversion.

Speaking of imperial units, what is the etymology of the word “Imperial”?

Very interesting… and which state is the Empire State?

And they even have the Empire State Building too, just to cement the fact…

 Now that we’ve established the link between New York and measurement, let’s get back to the numbers of key importance. 

On September 11, 2001, the 4 planes involved with the “terrorist” attack flew for a total of 254 minute:

 1. American Airlines flight 11 flew for 47 minutes 
    a. Take off: 7:59 am 
    b. Impact: 8:46 am 

2. United Airlines flight 175 flew for 49 minutes 
    a. Take off: 8:14 am 
    b. Impact: 9:03 am 

3. American Airlines flight 77 flew for 77 minutes 
    a. Take off: 8:20 am 
    b. Impact: 9:37 am 

4. United Airlines flight 93 flew for 81 minutes 
    a. Take off: 8:42 am 
    b. Impact: 10:03 am 

47 + 49 + 77 + 81 = 254 minutes. 

Now I’ll show how the number 1609 plays a big role in connecting key ritual elements with the events of 9/11. 

On September 11, 2001, the day began with AA-11 crashing into the North Tower (WTC-1) at 8:46 AM.

8:46 AM happens to be 526 minutes into the day. 

Thus, 846 and 526 are connected by nature of base 60 time measurement. How else do they connect?

Connected by the September 11, 1609 number I see. It’s all about the Empire State and the Imperial system.

Also, how tall was the North Tower (WTC 1) that got hit 526 minutes into the day? You guessed it: 526 meters tall (also 1,727 feet, we'll come back to this number in a moment).

Now, let's look at the number 1727 (the height of the North Tower in feet). From the day that construction began on the North Tower to the date of its destruction was exactly 1727 weeks:

And what about AA-11, the plane that crashed into the 526 m tall North Tower at 526 minutes into the day? When was it delivered to American Airlines? 5265 days before 9/11. 

Since we’re on the topic of 526, I’ll throw this in there: AA-77 (which crashed into the Pentagon the same day) was delivered to American Airlines 3779 days before 9/11, and 3779 is the 526th prime number

For another brief tangent, remember earlier when I was documenting George W. Bush's connection to 9/11? Well now I can elaborate further now that you can see the implementation of 9/11 numbers as conversion ratios.

George W. Bush was a member of the secret society Skull and Bones at his alma mater Yale University:

Now, what is the number of Skull and Bones?

So, we have a 322 president in office during the tragic events of 2001. What is 2001 miles in kilometers?

One other thing to notice about the September 11th, 2001 is the timing of the event in relation to the establishment of New York, the 11th state, on July 26, 1788:

So, what are the odds that a 526 meter tall building gets struck 526 minutes into the day (8:46 AM) by a plane that was delivered 5265 days beforehand? What are the odds that 526 miles = 846 km?

What are the odds that the same building - 1,727 feet tall, gets destroyed exactly 1,727 weeks after its construction began? 

What are the odds that Manhattan Island was discovered by Henry Hudson on the 254th day of the 254th prime year (September 11, 1609)? What are the odds that "Manhattan Island" = 254? What are the odds that 1 inch = 2.54 cm? What are the odds that 1 mile = 1.609 km? What are the odds that the 4 planes involved on the 254th day of the year flew for a total of 254 minutes?

What are the odds that New York is known as the Empire State, and that that empire -> imperial, referencing the imperial system of measurement?

What are the odds that our country was founded 2001 months after the discovery of Manhattan Island on September 11, 1609?

These alignments are way beyond coincidence and clearly indicate that a purposeful manipulation of reality is being manifested via a change in the standards of measure.

In conclusion, I think we can say that the events of 9/11 were used to cement a particular system of measurement that would consequently influence the observation of time and geometries moving forward. There seems to be a metaphysical component with the act of changing the system of measure (the same reason that there are so-called "rulers" as kings). I am open to more information regarding the metaphysical implications of this.

These are the alignments that I've discovered so far in relation to New York establishing the standards for the Imperial system of measurement. I hope you've enjoyed the read! I will update this post if I discover any more.

-Updated: February 8, 2022

-Chris R
-Goldeneye Decodes


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