Solar Symbolism and 274


In this decode, I'd like to share with you some observations I've made in relation to the Sun and the number 274. Let's start out with the gravity of the Sun at 274 m/s^2

If you've read my previous decodes, then you know that important numbers are self-referential across systems of measure. Let's take a look at how this applies to the Sun. In the most fundamental form of gematria, "Sun" equates to 9.

The numbers 9 and 274 relate to each other across metrics of time and distance.

These relations between systems of measure pay homage to the Sun, since it is the Sun that allows us to measure time or space in the first place. Ancient Rome recognized this pattern of 9 and 274, and officially established the religion of Sol Invictus (Unconquered Sun) on Christmas Day in 274 A.D.

Speaking of, did you know that the 93 meter-tall Statue of Liberty takes shape after Sol Invictus? And the initials of Statue of Liberty -> SOL (which is a name for the Sun).

Of course nowadays the birth of "God's Son" is celebrated on December 25th, who's story began in the 930th chapter of the Bible, who hailed from "Nazareth" and died on a "Crucifix" from 9am-3pm. 

We cannot ignore the number 93 when talking about the Sun. As most of you already know, the Sun's average distance from Earth is 93 million miles.

In occult studies, "Saturn" is known as the Dark Sun.

For any sports fans out there, the Phoenix Suns were in the NBA Finals in 1993.

How big is the Suns' home arena? 93,000 square meters.

Now that we've gone over numbers important to the Sun (9, 93, and 274), let's discuss a relevant upcoming sports event: UFC 274.

Of course UFC 274 takes place in the Footprint Center, which is the 93,000 m^2 home of the Phoenix Suns. This location aligns perfectly with the Earth's 93 million mile distance from the Sun, who's surface gravity is 274 m/s^2.

For a quick history fact, the first UFC event took place in '93, the same year that the Phoenix Suns were in the NBA Finals.

UFC 274 takes place 28 years after the '93 UFC kickoff. The Sun's surface gravity is 28 times stronger than Earth's, and the Sun rotates once every 28 days. Also, "UFC 274" sums to 28.

UFC 274's date of May 7th, 2022 is a clever date that pays homage to a very important event of the past (involving solar symbolism). I will first demonstrate in this list, and then show the images below:
  1. May 7th is the 127th day of the year.
  2. Attack on Pearl Harbor occurred on 12/7/1941.
  3. "USS Arizona" = 127, which sunk that day.
  4. UFC 274 takes place in Arizona.
  5. "Sun" = 9
  6. "AZ" = 9 (abbreviation for Arizona)
  7. Address of UFC 274 sums to 127 in gematria.
  8. Attack on Pearl Harbor was allegedly done by Japan.
  9. "Japan" = 93
  10. Japan's flag is the Sun with a white background.
  11. Japan is known as the Land of the Rising Sun
  12. "Land of the Rising Sun" = 215
  13. UFC 274 to Pearl Harbor Day is 215 days.

From this information, you can clearly see that Pearl Harbor Day has always been associated with the Sun, and that UFC 274 taking place in Arizona on the 127th day is no accident. The USS Arizona wreckage is perhaps the most popular location within the Pearl Harbor memorial area. 

This script was written to reinforce the solar symbolism that is so important to the Society of Jesus. Consider their logo: an eclipsed Sun with letters IHS in the middle:

And what does IHS mean? 

Using gematria, we can see that the meaning of IHS is another 274 reference.

All this being said, I don't necessarily have a pick for the UFC 274 champion. However, based on the symbolism of the USS Arizona, I don't think it's a good sign that Charles Oliveira's birthday is the same day that the USS Arizona was commissioned (and consequently sunk by the nation with the Sun as its symbol). Keep in mind that Charles Oliveira's opponent (Justin Gaethje) was born in Arizona.

Thanks for reading to the end of this decode. I hope this information will be a good reference for all future events invoking solar symbolism.

-Chris R.
-Goldeneye Decodes


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