The Venus Aspect of 9/11

Welcome to the first post of Goldeneye Decodes. In this commencing post, I will expose a facet of September 11th, 2001 that has come to mind recently. This analysis will focus on the involvement of the planet Venus with other ritual elements of 9/11. I hope this will bring more light to what was a very dark day.

Throughout history, the planet Venus has often been associated with Luficer / Satan, and has also been known as the Morning Star. This does not mean however that Venus is evil or deceptive by default. Venus has also been known as the planet of love in astrology, and is associated with feminine / material qualities.

Because of the Venus theme of this decode, the Satanic cipher of gematria will be useful and relevant. Satanic gematria is as follows: A = 36. B = 37. C = 38, D = 39, .... Z = 61. 

An interesting observation when first using this cipher is the following:

If you recall, on 9/11 a very important geometric object was supposedly struck by American Airlines Flight 77, and that was the Pentagon (and of course construction of the Pentagon began on 9/11 sixty years prior). 

In astrology, the Venus Pentagram originates from what is known as the "Petals of Venus", which is a celestial pattern observable from Earth as the planet Venus moves about the zodiac throughout a period of 8 Earth years (or 13 Venusian orbits). Within the Venus Pentagram exists the pentagon.

Speaking to the relevance of the Satanic cipher and the planet Venus, notice the following:

(We will go over the Magic Square of Venus shortly, but notice that 6x6x6 = 216)

Now that we have both "Venus" and "Pentagon" fresh in our minds, let's take a look at AA-77, the flight that crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11. If you've been involved in Zach Hubbard's gematria community, then you've likely heard the factual saying:

"AA-77 flew for 77 minutes before crashing into the 77' Pentagon on the 77th meridian West." (took off at 8:20 am and crashed at 9:37 am)

The next logical thought after hearing that statement is: What's with all the 77s? There is indeed a purpose, and it is ritualistic and planetary in nature. Before I expose the origins and importance of that number, there's another 77 that needs to be mentioned. Enter VENUS77:

This plane is also known as the Doomsday Plane. In ritual sequence, this plane (aka E-4B) with callsign VENUS77 started orbiting Washington D.C. shortly after the Pentagon was struck by AA-77. This is yet another connection between Venus, the Pentagon, and the number 77. 

Speaking of VENUS77 and AA-77, when was AA-77 hijacked?

Oh, 8:51 am I see...

Here are several more gematria alignments which expose just how meticulously this sub-ritual was organized by its architects:

The numbers 175 and 49 (seen above) are important and self-referential in regards to Venus which I will now demonstrate.

"In the Western Occult Tradition, each planet has traditionally been associated with a series of numbers and particular organizations of those numbers. One such method of numerological arrangement is the magic square."

The planetary squares (which can be seen in the link above) have been long used by occultists to create sigils for practicing various kinds of magic. Regardless of the connotations that may be associated with such practices, it is important to become familiar with these magic squares to see the pure essence of these paradigm-shifting rituals.

Let's take a look at the Magic Square of Venus (excerpts taken from link above):

So, to summarize the Magic Square of Venus: it is a 7x7 square that contains 49 numbers organized in such a manner that the sum of the numbers in each column / row is 175. 

From this square of Venus, we can see that the numbers 77, 49 (=7x7), and 175 are self-referential, as are the gematria values previously seen:

Here are a couple more uncanny alignments that seem too good to be true:

And thus callsign VENUS77 for the Doomsday plane is even more perfect than realized.

Before we move on from the relevance of the number 175 with Venus, we have another part of the 9/11 ritual to uncover, and that is: 

United Airlines 175

Would you look at that! Another Venus reference for us. Not only that, but it's directly connected with other powerful ritual elements of 9/11. At 8:46 am, UA-175 was in the air being hijacked, the exact same time that AA-11 crashed into the North Tower (thus marking the official initiation of 9/11).

Are we done with the alignments yet? Almost.

There is likely something deeper about the connection between Venus and 846 that I still need to uncover (due to the George Floyd ritual constantly invoking that number). I will make a post in the future about the number 846.

This brings us to the end of The Venus Aspect of 9/11. I hope you enjoyed going down this crazy path of occult astrological and numerical references. There are definitely powerful symbols being invoked during pivotal moments in history, and this post is the tip of the iceberg in regards to 9/11 ritual plots.

-Chris R.


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