
Solar Symbolism and 274

  In this decode, I'd like to share with you some observations I've made in relation to the Sun and the number 274 . Let's start out with the gravity of the Sun at 274 m/s^2 If you've read my previous decodes, then you know that important numbers are self-referential across systems of measure. Let's take a look at how this applies to the Sun. In the most fundamental form of gematria, "Sun" equates to 9 . The numbers 9 and 274 relate to each other across metrics of time and distance. These relations between systems of measure pay homage to the Sun, since it is the Sun that allows us to measure time or space in the first place. Ancient Rome recognized this pattern of 9 and 274 , and officially established the religion of Sol Invictus (Unconquered Sun) on Christmas Day in 274 A.D. Speaking of, did you know that the 93 meter-tall Statue of Liberty takes shape after Sol Invictus? And the initials of S tatue o f L iberty -> SOL  (which is a name for the...

Follow the "White Rabbit": Ritualistic Scripting within The Matrix

 If you've seen the 1999 film The Matrix, then you've likely heard of some phrases such as "follow the white rabbit" or "take the red pill" or "escape the matrix." What I intend to show you in this decode are the symbolic origins of these themes as it applies to scripted history and scripted theater. William Shakespeare once wrote: "All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts"  What most people don't realize is that this quote can be taken literally. The alignments that I'm about to show you are proof of that (as are all of my previous posts). You can attribute the cause of such scripting to exoteric or esoteric means (i.e. Jesuits and the Catholic Church or the MIND of God / universe). Regardless, the scripting exists and can be observed by those with basic pattern recognition skills. Let's take a look at the "white...