
Showing posts from August, 2021

The Venus Aspect of 9/11

Welcome to the first post of Goldeneye Decodes. In this commencing post, I will expose a facet of September 11th, 2001 that has come to mind recently. This analysis will focus on the involvement of the planet Venus with other ritual elements of 9/11. I hope this will bring more light to what was a very dark day. Throughout history, the planet Venus has often been associated with Luficer / Satan, and has also been known as the Morning Star. This does not mean however that Venus is evil or deceptive by default. Venus has also been known as the planet of love in astrology, and is associated with feminine / material qualities. Because of the Venus theme of this decode, the Satanic cipher of gematria will be useful and relevant. Satanic gematria is as follows: A = 36. B = 37. C = 38, D = 39, .... Z = 61.  An interesting observation when first using this cipher is the following: If you recall, on 9/11 a very important geometric object was supposedly struck by American Airlines Flight 77,...